
Burial Society
We organize a Chevra Kadisha in the Las Vegas area. We do the "tahara" and can arrange for a "shomer." The Jewish Mortuary in town is King David, a subsidiary of Palm Mortuary. The phone number is 702-464-8570. Kraft-Sussman Funeral Services, 702-485-6500. There is also Bunkers Mortuary which has a couple of Jewish sections; Memory Gardens and Woodlawn Cemetery. The phone number is 702-385-1441.
Mezuzot Checking
A Mezuzah is so much more than a piece of parchment rolled into a scroll. Since the Mezuzah acts as our own personal guardian, alert at all times, it’s important to ensure that it is always in top condition. We will check your Mezuzot at any given time to ensure that they are Kosher.
Keeping Kosher is one of the most fundamental aspects of our religion. Kashering is the process of transforming your kitchen into one that meets all the standards of Kashrut.
Prison Visitations
On a regular basis, one of the Chabad Rabbis visits the Indian Springs State Penetentiary to spend time with the Jewish inmates in Torah discussion groups and putting on Tefillin. Before and during each holiday, we have special holiday services and programs.

Tefillin Inspection
Wrapped around our arms in those square black boxes, it’s easy to forget how holy Tefillin are. Containing the name of Hashem, each time we wrap ourselves in those black straps we are forging a bond with our Creator. Like Mezuzot, Tefillin contain holy parchments that need to be checked from time to time to ensure they are fit for use. Drop your Tefillin off and we’ll check them thoroughly and return them to you good as new.

Hospital Visitation
At Chabad we realize how frightening, overwhelming or simply lonesome being in the hospital can be, and that’s why we put such emphasis on visiting people in the hospital and bringing them a gift package with goodies, that show them we care. Chabad of Henderson and its volunteers have visited numerous hospitals and senior homes bringing joy to many patients. Most importantly the patient is given the message that they are not alone.
Retirement Home Visitations
Before and during each of the Holidays, or upon request, one of the Chabad Rabbis visits local retirement homes to bring joy and good memories from days gone by, to Jewish residents.
Crisis Counseling
We don’t anticipate it and we certainly don’t want it, but there are times when we’ll inevitably step back and say, “I need help”. In any kind of crisis, big or small, we are here to help. We will provide a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on when times get tough.