Bugsy Siegel’s Daughter Gets a Jewish Burial in Las Vegas
By Dovid Margolin | November 22, 2017 10:41 AM
Rabbi Mendy Harlig with Cindy Rosen, center, and Wendy Rosen. granddaughters of Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, the charming and notorious Jewish mob figure widely recognized as the visionary behind modern Las Vegas.
The rabbi thought nothing of the Flamingo Hotel as he passed it on his way to a Las Vegas area hospice. Despite the glitz and glimmer that draws people to the desert city—and the grimy edge that sometimes keeps them there for good—Las Vegas is a big place, home to real people with real (and regular) lives, and Rabbi Mendy Harlig was on his way last week to do what rabbis often do: meet with a Jewish woman breathing her last...