Ongoing Classes
Discover your roots through Torah Study classes in a wide range of topics.
About Ongoing Adult Education Classes
Chabad of Henderson values a deep, rich learning experience, and every week we offer different aspects of the Jewish world - striving to make a unique and interesting education environment with our series of Adult Education classes.
Due to the current situation regarding the Coronavirus ( COVID-19) adult education classes have been shifted online. You can join each of these lessons via Zoom. You can contact the office to receive password and log in information for the classes by either calling 702.617.0770 or [email protected].
Sign up for a weekly Adult Education email, informing you of the classes being held for the week with all Zoom log in information, as well as get last minute changes or cancelations - right to your email inbox: SIGN UP
- For all Adult Education, sign up for "Recurring Classes"
- For JLI Torah Studies only, sign up for "JLI"
JLI Torah Studies
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Wednesdays, 7:00 pm - Taught by Rabbi Mendy Harlig

Join Rabbi Mendy in lessons that will engage you in a multidimensional way by challenging you intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. The classes explore contemporary issues through a Torah perspective as well as tackle timeless questions in the Jewish tradition. These classes are open to all, whatever your level of learning may be, and we encourage you to bring your friends along.
Classes are free - $20 optional for textbook

To learn more about the current season of JLI Torah Studies classes, click HERE

Mitzvah Class

Torah Parchment (small) Thursdays, 6:00 PM - Facilitated by Moshe Meir (the Mitzvah Man) Kenwood

We will be discussing the 613 Commandments in the Torah and their Rationale. The text that that will be used is: THE MITZVOT, by Abraham Chill.
Classes are free.

Kabbalah for Everyone

sPRL6498960.jpg Thursdays, 7:30 PM - Presented By Rabbi Kalman Shor

Based on a new adaptation of the 53 chapters of the Tanya - one of the most influential works of Jewish spiritual thought ever written - and penned by Chasidic Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), this newly revamped class will guide you on the path of spiritual consciousness to a state of inner freedom and liberation.
Classes are free.

Ladies Lunch & Learn

sPRL6498960.jpg Every Other Tuesday, 12:00 Noon - Hosted by Rebbetzin Chaya Harlig

The Ladies Lunch and Learn meets every other Tuesday to take an hour to explore relevant Jewish topics using ancient wisdom to guide us in a modern society while enjoying a scrumptious Kosher nosh.
Classes are $8.00 per person or $54.00 to sponsor.
For more information and a list of dates, click HERE

Check back often as our reccuring classes will be changing topics frequently.
Upcoming Events
There are no events posted at this time. Please contact us for more info about our events.
For more info, give us a call at 702-617-0770