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News and information about Chabad of Green Valley/Henderson's new building.

Base Building Complete!

We are happy to announce the base building is complete!

It is a real physical building with the Mikvahs finished. The exterior fencing and rails have been installed. While it isn't done yet, this is a huge milestone in this journey towards completing the first Mikvah in Henderson.



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To see all the pictures and find out more about our dedication opportunities, please contact the office or check out our Mikvah site: 

Be included in building a part of the future of the Henderson Jewish community.


Actual Steps!

A lot of progress has been made in the last few weeks. As the outside has taken shape, the interior has been worked on with continued finishings. 

Steps have been built on the exterior of the building from the street and interior steps have been built inside to the actual mikvah.

An added blessing is that stones from the 770 building in New York, which the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, actually walked upon, were added into the cement of the steps to the mikvah and outside at the entrance. 

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To see all the pictures and find out more about our dedication opportunities, please contact the office or check out our Mikvah site:

Nearing completion of Phase One

We are nearing completion of Phase One of the building of the mikvah. Another step towards the first Mikvah of Henderson!

The outside stucco has been applied and the interior continues to take shape. Walls and floor are being finished and painted.






To see all the pictures and find out more about our dedication opportunities, please contact the office or check out our Mikvah site:  

June Begins and Work Continues

 As we finished off the first week of June, progress on the Mikvah has continued - it seems to be happening so fast now as it takes shape. Dry wall has been installed in the interior and stucco has been put on the exterior - gone is the simple wood skeleton structure and here we have a more solid building emerging. 





 I hope you are as excited as we are as we progress to the realization of our dream. 

If you want to see more pictures, or want to take part in one of the remaining dedication opportunities, please visit our site at: 


Work Continues

No pictures this week, but we continue to move forward with interior work and exterior work on the Mikvah!

To see all the pictures and find out about our dedication opportunities, please check out our Mikvah site: 

You can always contact the office at 702.617.0770 or email [email protected] 

The Keilim Mikvah and Insulation Installation

The Keilim Mikvah has been poured and set. We use the Keilim Mikvah to Kosher items like pots and pans before use. 

Insulation has also been installed in the interior of the building as the outside is prepared for stucco and the electrical inside has been set up.

Another huge step towards the Mikvah's finish! What a great way to enter the holiday of Shavuos!

If you are interested in one of the Mikvah dedication opportunities or more information about the Henderson Mikvah, please contact the office at 702.617.0770 or [email protected], or visit our Mikvah site at: 




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Each Step is important

 A lot of the interior has been worked on as well as the outside. Even with setbacks and challenges, we are pushing onward. Every little bit of progress is important, even if it isn't a big leap - they are all movements forward. Faith and community keeps us with our eyes to the future!

Scaffolding has been erected on the outside in preparation for stucco on the base as we continue phase 1 building.



We are looking forward to everyone standing together safely as a whole and healthy community to see the first Mikvah in Henderson complete. 

For more information about the Mikvah or if you're interested in donation opportunities, please visit our webpage:  

Another Step

Progress continues on the building of the Mikvah. It is now clear to see the form of the structure and you can imagine easier what it will look like. It appears less like some wood and beams and more like a true building with a roof and doors. The construction of the Keilim Mikvah (a mikvah to Kosher vessels like pots and pans) was also begun. It's exciting to see another step in the process taken.

We hope you will continue to join us on this journey and will become a part of the process of making the first Mikvah in Henderson a reality - something that will be a part of our community now and in many years to come.






For more information about the Mikvah and donation opportunities, please visit our page: 

Building of the Mikvah has begun!

It is with great pleasure and excitement that I share with you the news that the building of the Mikvah has begun. This is particularly exciting because the Mikvah serves as the heart of the Jewish community. It is considered to be so important that it takes precedent over the building of the synagogue (and in some cases, it is believed you should sell the synagogue to fund building the mikvah!). 

Through the difficult times of the Corona Virus pandemic, the ground has been broken, the cement has been poured, the plumbing installed and the frame of the building erected. 

This is a huge step in the continuing journey of Chabad of Henderson. The dream of the first Mikvah in Henderson is becoming a reality.




To see more photos, please go to our Mikvah Homepage.


Construction is still going strong...

The ground for our new Chabad is being worked on and getting ready to be built upon.  In these very early days, it can sometimes be difficult to see progress, but once the land is ready, construction can begin.  

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Construction begins!

 Even through the torrential rains, construction has begun on site!

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Even with things moving forward, we need YOUR help to make this building go from a dream to a reality.  Find out how you can help by clicking: HERE  

Groundbreaking Ceremony for Chabad of Henderson’s Jewish Community Center



On Sunday, April 23rd, the high winds didn’t keep people away from Chabad of Green Valley/Henderson’s Groundbreaking Ceremony!  Held at the new site of the Chabad of Henderson Jewish Community Center, located on Carnegie St. between Kenneth Ave. and Horizon Ridge Pkwy, a large tent was set up to house the over 200 attendees at the historic event.


Serving as MC, Georgia Horesh, Office Administrator of Chabad of Green Valley/Henderson, welcomed guests and introduced Levi Harlig who then sang a beautiful acapella tune for the gathered attendees.  Afterward, Rabbi Mendy Harlig and his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Harlig spoke about Chabad, Chabad of Green Valley/Henderson’s history and hopes for the future for their community.  They introduced Eileen and Allen Anes who gave beautiful and humorous speeches about their relationship with Chabad and the Harligs. 


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President of Jewish Nevada and resident of Henderson, Todd Polikoff spoke a few words of the importance of the Jewish Community Center, followed by Rabbi Shea Harlig, head of Chabad in Nevada, who voiced his blessings and pride.  Long time congregants and contributors to Chabad of Green Valley/Henderson, Ray and Susie Koroghli were welcomed to the podium and both talked about their connection to the synagogue and encouraged others to support the new community center.  Then Ray gave a beautiful Tehilim for the gathered guests.


The guest speakers were then invited for photographs with hard hats and shovels for the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony.   People were invited to take photos and to enjoy refreshments at the Harouni home, two blocks away.  Those who attended got free t-shirts marking the event as well as hardhat shaped stress balls and a face-painter from Balloons with a Twist, painted the faces of the children who were there. 


Food was provided and donated by Simon & Joe’s and Trader Joe’s.  Special thanks goes out to all the volunteers who helped man the tables, directed parking and provided security at the event.  

To see more pictures from the event, check out our photo gallery! 

Groundbreaking Ceremony Announced!

We chose the site long ago... now we've chosen a date! 

Our groundbreaking ceremony will be on Sunday, April 23rd at 1:30 pm on the site located on Carnegie St., right behind the 7-Eleven, off of Horizon Ridge Pkwy in Henderson.

This will be a fun event for the whole family, and it's free.  

We hope to see you there!


New Building Meeting

Yesterday, Rabbi Mendy Harlig and Wayne Krygier met with architect Marc Lemoine about the interior of the building - including things like seating and the Aron Kodesh!

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The dream is becoming more real with each day.  

Be a part of it and find out how you can help by clicking this link: HERE 

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