An ongoing program designed for the contemporary Jewish Woman

The Jewish Women's Circle brings together Jewish women of all ages and backgrounds to learn, laugh, experience and rejuvenate the mind, body and soul.

Jewish Women's Circle of Henderson
The Jewish Women's Circle is a vibrant, ever-growing group designed for the contemporary Jewish woman. It provides entertaining and enriching events, including a variety of hands-on activities, discussions and workshops.  There's always new friends to meet, delicious treats to eat, and lots of fun.
Open to women of all backgrounds and affiliations, no membership required.

Currently, due to COVID-19, we do not have any Women's Circle Events planned for the 2020-2021 year.
We are holding the Ladies Lunch & Learn online, via Zoom. To learn more, click
To stay up to date on all of Chabad of Henderson's Jewish Women events, including announcements, cancelations, changes or information, sign up for the Chabad Women's Group emails here:  Subscribe

To see our past events, check out our photo gallery
Rebbetzin Chaya Harlig
Women's Circle events and programs are facilitated by Rebbetzin Chaya Harlig, Co-Director of Chabad of Henderson, with assistance by her mother, Rebbetzin Gittie Shor. She strives to make sure that all women's events are not only educational, but fun and inclusive.  
Rosh Chodesh: The New Moon
The first commandment given to the Jews as a nation was to create a calendar based on the cycle of the moon: "And G‑d said to Moses… in the land of Egypt… This month is for you, the head of the months. First it is for you among the months of the year."
Rosh Chodesh is literally the "head of the month". Special prayers are added to the daily service and we wish each other, "chodesh tov,"  a good month. Rosh Chodesh is also known as a “women’s holiday,” and many women have the custom to refrain from tedious household chores such as laundry and sewing on these days.
Calling All Women!
If you have an idea for a Jewish Women's event, like a guest speaker or instructor (dance, zumba, drums etc...) or would like to host an event at your home, please contact the office!  You can call 702-617-0770 or email [email protected]
ATTENTION: Due to COVID-19, the Jewish Women's Circle Events will be postponed.
Calling all Jewish women! If you have an idea for an event or want to host an event at your home, let us know! Contact the office either 702.617.0770 or [email protected] 
Become a part of the Jewish Women's Circle of Henderson today!
Don't forget to join us for the Ladies Lunch & Learn, every other Tuesday at noon.
Great food.  Great people.  Great topics.
Click the button below for more information and to RSVP
Upcoming Events
There are no events posted at this time. Please contact us for more info about our events.